BÜ-KİK Media Unit ensures the visibility and recognition of the University on the internet with its social media applications. Thanks to the prepared projects, it carries out activities that will improve the institutional image of the University.
BÜ-KİK Media Unit monitors the preparation, regulation and publication processes of the written and visual media, along with the activities that will contribute to the development of the corporate culture. In addition, BÜ-KİK aims to create messages and images with a common design language within social media environments and to disseminate messages and images within this framework. BU-KİK offers suggestions on the University's use of social media and website in order to ensure the healthy functioning of corporate communication among the University's stakeholders.
With the highly interactive nature of social media environments, BÜ-KİK is sensitive and accurate with both internal stakeholders (Members, Students, Graduates) and external stakeholders (Students, Families, Media, Suppliers, Intermediaries, NGOs, Institutions and Organizations) aims to maintain a communication study in tone. In this framework, the issues that should be considered in the use of social media environments by internal stakeholders were determined.
Issues to be Considered in Başkent University Academic and Administrative Unit Web Site Management
University Official Social Media Accounts